Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the name Sindrosthenese come from?

I don’t usually dream about Earth. Most my dreams are set on an alien world. On that (my) planet, I’m known informally as Sindrosthenese. 

What is the language in your signature?

On my planet we use a language called “Tranzlothian”. The alphabet you see(while technically “Azinezian”) is commonly referred to as Venusian. Over the years I learned it and even use it in my daily life. I sign my signature in it, write with it in “Secrets of the Universe” paintings, and use the words in some painting titles.

What does 1st EQ mean, and what are those strange words in the titles?

1st EQ is short for First Equation. It’s a way of making that specific style of painting that I view as conducive to my purposes. The words in the titles are typically the Tranzlothian words for the main colors used in the paintings. (EG: 1st EQ Zahn Haranu would be a First Equation in orange and purple.)

Are you open to making custom 1st Equation paintings?

Yes, that is a possibility. Just need to know the dimensions and the two main colors.